By His Permission

Weathering the Storm
You are in the storm …by His permission.
God knew before you were even born what was going to be happening during this season of your life.
Look at what the Bible says: “That day when evening came, Jesus said to His disciples …” Now, wait. Who said it to the disciples? Say it out loud. Jesus! “Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Let us go over to the other side of the lake.’”
Now check this out. The trip was Jesus’ idea. And being the Son of God and knowing all things, He knew the storm was coming.
The disciples were in the storm not because they were outside the will of God, they were in the storm because they were in the will of God, following Jesus’ direction.
And so, you’re in a storm, and you’re saying, “God, I wish I wasn’t here.” God knew you were going to be here. You wouldn’t be here without His permission.
You might say, “Well, where did this storm come from? Jeff, are you saying – are you telling me – God did this to me?”
No. Let me give you three possibilities.
Possible storm sources …
1. There are a lot of storms that come from bad decisions. Maybe you made a poor choice. Maybe it led to unintended consequences. You feel like blaming God, but God didn’t stick the cigarette in your mouth or the needle in your arm. God didn’t make you hire that problem employee or cut corners on your taxes. You made the decision! Some storms you bring upon yourself.
2. Some storms are from the enemy. Satan wants to mess you up. Let me tell you something. Satan is not playing games. He wants you broke, he wants you busted, he wants you bitter, he wants you bankrupt, he wants you addicted, he wants you divorced, he wants you ineffective. He will find any area where you are vulnerable, and he will exploit that. Because he hates what God loves – and God loves you.
3. Some storms are experienced simply because we live in a broken world, a world shattered by sin, a world that just doesn’t function the way the Creator originally intended. So, you get a world with disease, and dysfunction, and disasters.
I think of Tom … A young guy, still in his twenties, very active in our church. One day he’s getting up, going to work, living his life. The next, the doctor says, “You’ve got cancer.” One day the sun is shining, the next he’s in the storm.
Maybe you’re like Tom … You’re in the storm right now. You might be someplace you wish you weren’t, and God may be taking you someplace you don’t really want to go. When that happens, remember that God knew this was going to happen, and He is good enough to bring about good out of all things – all things – for those who love Him.
You are in the storm by His permission.

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