Facing Your “What Ifs”

August 18, 2023

Facing the “What Ifs”

 Acknowledge your fear and choose to trust God.   

Whatever it is, acknowledge it honestly and make an intentional choice to trust the God of the universe.  I’m not saying: Bury your head in the sand; ignore it; nothing bad will ever happen to you.  What I am saying is: Whatever your fear is, do whatever you can do that is within your power to effectively minimize the risk.  Then, with every ounce of faith you have inside you, trust God for the things that are outside of your control. 

Let me say this clearly:  Do what you can do to minimize the risk.  Then, trust God for the things that only God can do, the things that are outside of your control.  I will give you an example in Scripture … 

Remember David who fought Goliath?  When David was just a young shepherd boy, he was chosen to be the next king of Israel.  It’s not a big shocker that this did not sit well with the current king sitting on the throne, King Saul.  Saul felt very threatened by this young up-and-comer, David.  Saul gave the order: “I want you to hunt down David and kill him!”  So David spent month after month hiding out in the hills, running for his life.  How did he overcome the fear? 

He said, “When I am afraid … In other words, sometimes it’s just too much for me.  And you can say that, too.  “When I’m afraid about losing my job or losing my house, when I’m afraid of what the future might hold …”  David said, “I will trust in You.”  “I choose to trust that You are in control of all the things that are out of my control. 

David said, “In God, whose Word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid.” (Psalm 56:3-4)  Just say, “God, here’s what I’m afraid of, but I choose to trust You no matter what.  In God I trust; I will not be afraid!”  

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