Light Defeats Darkness

April 9, 2021
Light Defeats Darkness
What is darkness? I want you to think about this. What is darkness? Let me tell you what it’s not. Darkness is not the opposite of light. So many people think it is. Darkness is not the opposite of light. Darkness is the absence of light.
Who is Jesus? Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World! Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) If Christ lives in you, the light of Christ lives in you.
• When you walk into a room … light enters that room.
• When you walk into work … light enters your workplace.
• When you come home to your family and you walk in the door after a long day … light enters your home. Love enters your home. Christ enters your home. And darkness has to flee!
John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness could not extinguish it.” Darkness can never swallow up light. Light always defeats darkness.
When you walk into your house at night and everything is dark, what’s the first thing you do? You flip on the light switch. The light comes on and all the darkness is gone. It doesn’t matter how dark it is. The light is always going to chase the darkness away. The darkness is never going to chase the light away.
So, Lord Jesus, enter my mind and my heart. Where there is darkness, shine light. Brighten up my outlook. Cast Your light into the dark corners of my mind. Maybe I’ve made a commitment to You in the past, but I want more of You than ever before. I keep thinking about that statement: “When I enter a room …light enters the room.” I want that to describe my life. I want to bring Your light into every situation, every relationship, every decision.
And, Lord Jesus, let me tell you once again: I believe that You are my Savior. I believe that You died for me. I believe that You rose to life on Easter Sunday to conquer the darkness of death. And I believe that one day You will receive me into eternal brightness. I humbly pray this in Your Name, Jesus, Light of the World! Amen.

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