
Think about a seed …
You can have an apple seed on your desk for a lifetime, but it will never become an apple tree … until you put it in the ground. Its potential will never be released … until it’s planted.
As long as it’s sitting there on the desk, it will stay nice and comfortable, and it won’t have to stretch or deal with any adversity. But the seed’s potential will stay locked up on the inside.
If you were to ask that seed, I’m sure it would say, “I don’t want to go into the dirt. It’s dark, it’s lonely, and it uncomfortable when people walk all over you.”
The seed feels as though it’s been buried, as though it’s the end, but what the seed doesn’t know is that it’s not buried – it’s planted!
It has the life force of Almighty God on the inside. That dark place, buried in the dirt – that’s what brings out the beautiful flower, that’s what brings out the fruit, that’s what brings out the growth!
That’s why Jesus said, “Unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it will produce much fruit.” (John 12:24)
You may feel today like you’re in a dark place. None of us likes to be planted; it’s uncomfortable, it’s lonely. But in those dark places you have to remind yourself that new growth is on the way.
Even though it feels like something’s dying, something else is coming to life. You’re not buried; you’re planted. When you come out, you’re going to bear much fruit.
My challenge to you is this: Be willing to go through the process. Dare to trust God. You’re not buried; you’re planted. It’s just a matter of time before you break out and blossom … into who you were created to be.

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