Shut the Door to Negativity

March 11, 2021
Shut the door to negativity.
Just shut the door. If a stranger showed up at your door holding poison, or a rattlesnake, or a stick of dynamite, you wouldn’t say, “Come on in. Make yourself at home.” You would shut the door, lock it, and make sure they couldn’t get in.
Well, for heaven’s sake, shut the door to negativity. Don’t allow poisonous thoughts into your mind. The Bible says, “More than anything, guard your mind, because everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23) You have to be selective about what you let in. Shut the door to negativity.
There was a family that had a couple of rabbits in a fenced-in area in their backyard. One day one of the rabbits looked like he wasn’t feeling well. He kept rubbing the side of his face as though something was bothering him. So, they took the rabbit to the vet. The vet gave them some antibiotics and said it should get better.
They tried that for about a week and that didn’t help. Then the rabbits face began to swell up so much that he had a big growth on top of his nose. They took him back to the vet, and the vet examined him further.
Guess what? This time the vet found that an egg from a fly had somehow gotten up in the rabbit’s nasal passage, and that a larva was growing inside his nose and was about to hatch. Once they got to the root of the problem, they removed it, and the rabbit was fine.
That’s the way the enemy works. He tries to plant lies in our mind that infect our thinking. You’re not good enough. You’re not attractive. You’ll never meet the right person. You’ll never get well.
We can try to fix the outside, but until we get to the root of the problem, until we get that infection out, until we delete that recording, the lies continue to limit us.
The good news is that you can get rid of them. You don’t have to spend another minute being infected by wrong thinking. I have the exact prescription, and it doesn’t cost anything.
If you start renewing your mind with what God says about you, it will clear up all the places that are infected, and it will heal all the places that are hurting.
Instead of dwelling on how people said you’re not valuable and how they made you feel inferior, you start to dwell on what God says about you.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a masterpiece. That’s when the infection starts to go away.
Instead of letting that recording play, You won’t do. You don’t have what it takes, you play, I’m talented. I’m creative. I’m one of a kind.
Whatever is holding you back, you have the prescription. Delete the lies and start taking your medicine. Dwell on what God says about you. You weren’t made to go around infected.
You were created to be secure, confident, healthy, happy, and successful.
Rise up and become who God made you to be.

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