Your Place is Waiting

April 1, 2022
Jesus loves you. That’s not a cliché; that is a reality. Jesus is crazy in love with you. I can never put into words how much He loves you.
And He wants you to have a place … a place with Him forever in heaven. Now – now that He has removed your sin and burned it away on the cross – Jesus can say, “Done! It’s a done deal. You have a home waiting for you in heaven.”
Let me ask you this question: What’s the difference between Christianity and every other religion? The answer: Religion is spelled, D-O. Do! Do this, do that, and maybe you’ll do enough to get into heaven. But Christianity is spelled, D-O-N-E. Done! The Bible says that Jesus has already done everything that’s needed to get you into heaven.
You say, “Jeff, I must have to do something.” No! It’s taken care of. It’s done. Just accept it and respond with a grateful heart. You can’t beg, bargain, or bribe your way into heaven. You just accept it.
The Bible marvels at this: “Saving us was all His idea, and all His work. All we do is trust Him enough to let Him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to finish!” (Ephesians 2:8)
You say, “But, Jeff, I still worry … I worry what’s going to happen when I die… Will I be okay? Will God let me into heaven?” Friend, you don’t have to worry! The Bible says, “Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13) Anyone – that includes you! That includes me! Anyone!
You don’t have to be afraid of death any longer. I can honestly say, I’m not afraid of death. I’m afraid of pain, but not afraid of death. Death is just a transfer and I know where I’m going. A lot of my friends and family are going to be there waiting for me. And, right away, I’m going to run over to Jesus and finally look deep into His eyes and see Him smile. I’m not afraid! I’m not afraid because Jesus said, “Don’t worry. I got this for you. It’s a done deal. Your place is waiting.”

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